
Learn about the powerful test and simulation avenues Synthesis offers for your designs.

CAD Exporter

Easily transfer your CAD from Autodesk Fusion in a matter of minutes using the the Synthesis Exporter add-in. The simulator will automatically receive all joint, color, and material data.

Fusion Exporter Tutorial

Real-time Physics

Bring your robots and fields to life via our simulator. Configure your robots and fields to operate as close to the real thing as possible and make iterative changes to hone in your approach to solving this year's challenges.

Configure Assets Tutorial

Code Simulation

Simulate your robot code using the WPILib HALSim WebSocket extension. Connect your code to the simulator and test and iterate on your systems with real-time data and confirmation.

Code Simulation Tutorial

Autodesk Platform Services

Take your assemblies on the go with Autodesk Platform Service integration. Login to your Autodesk account and store your Fusion exports alongside your CAD files. Download and store them in your browser where Synthesis can access them for quick and easy, on demand use.

APS Tutorial