The Synthesis Fusion 360 exporter is the tool used by both developers and users to export their CAD models into the Synthesis simulator. The exporter comes as an optional install component of every version of synthesis and requires Fusion 360 to be installed.

For information regarding the manual install process visit the Synthesis Fusion 360 Exporter source code for more information.

Getting Started

After installing Synthesis, the exporter addin should automatically start up when you open Fusion 360 (given that it was selected during the Synthesis install process). Navigate to the Utilities tab and you should see a Synthesis button.


After clicking the button, a panel will open up. This is the exporter. In this panel, you can provide us with most of the extra data we need to properly simulate your robot or field in Synthesis.


General Tab


This is where you will do most of your configuring. Here is a basic overview of the options you will find in the general tab.


Advanced Tab


The advanced tab has some optional toggles for disabling / enabling some more advanced features. If your not confident in your ability with the Synthesis exporter, it is recommended that you leave these options alone.

Note that some of these features are currently still experimental and may not be working or behave as expected.

Synthesis not only relys on the joints between parts to determine structure of your robot or field, but also the hierarchy of all the parts in the design. If you look at the browser, you can see the parent child relation ship between all our your parts, and it is important that you have them set correctly in order to ensure Synthesis knows your intentions.

Problems associated with incorrect design hierarchy account for the majority of issues users have with the exporter. It's extremely important to plan out your robot structure before you begin.

The term node refers to a collection of parts that don't move relative to eachother.

Basic Rules

Below is a basic overview of the design hierarchy rules that the exporter expects your CAD model to follow. It is possible to export a robot without following any of these rules, however, your model will likely not behave as expected once in the simulator.

1. Grounded Node

You must ground one of your parts in the design. This tells Synthesis where to start branching off the rest of the nodes from. In the browser, you'll see there is a main root component. All other components under this root component will actually be used in the export. NOTE: Generally anything that is underdefined or "disjointed" from the rest of the design will be added under the main grounded object, so if objects that are supposed to be moving relative to what you define as grounded aren't, that is likely why. All child components of the component that is grounded (and disjointed components) will be attached to the grounded node. If a component is associated with any joint (rigidgroups are a big exception here) will not be attached to the grounded. Instead, they will start creating their own node. As a result, if you joint two child components together, it will create those components (and their children) as completely separate objects in Synthesis. You will need to specify which component in the joint should remain with the grounded node.

2. Rigidgroups

Rigidgroups act as a bandage. They ensure that whatever components are within the rigidgroup exist in the same node. Use this to ensure which side of the joint should remain in the grounded joint.

3. Sub-joints

You can follow the same logic as the grounded node, but instead its stemming from that parented joint.

If you need help with anything regarding Synthesis or it's related features please reach out through our discord sever. It's the best way to get in contact with the community and our current developers.